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14 May 2020 9:12 am
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peepee » 14 May 2020, 1:20 am » wrote: ...great radio discussion by some solid monetary realists!...scroll down to sound bar...enjoy and learn...

https://www.monetaryalliance.org/moneta ... -offering/
only when it fits your rational mind and shared collective beliefs those controlling the value of currency control the global economic outcomes from personal income per person to nations value in global semantical ranking by statistical averaging numbers to vactualize doubt life is limited to reproductions occupying space are only timed apart when alive here proportionate to numbers present in ever changing shape and form since added as a fertilized cell.

Your mantra is just mantra recited for generations and that doesn't change the physical constants of lifetimes only exist as timed apart here. The total sum past ends here and the future constantly develops from now on.

I get the need for symbolism as a society, my problem is those taking charge won't give credit to natural timing, just their time directing outcomes historically controlling each replacements from now on.

Yes, I see the future is alway unpredictable and realities manage the unpredictable to justificed outcomes. But that was to make life easier for all, not a utopia for the few educating incoming replacements to always blame the replacers for things going wrong, when nobody is allowed to correct the system in place governing replacements each generation forward.

Pride comes before the downfall. Covid-19 is humanity's downfall. You are behind itcoming true.
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